Enamoré | Debesh Paul

Debesh Paul
2 min readMar 6, 2024

In the streets where we used to meet,
Underneath the canopy of love’s sweet retreat,
Every day was a symphony, a divine feat,
As we sipped our tea, our hearts would greet.

Your intention, a simple delight,
To savor the tea, the street’s twilight,
But mine was a gaze, a silent flight,
To capture your beauty, like stars in the night.

Time with you was a magical trance,
Two hours felt like a fleeting glance,
And when apart, it was a cruel dance,
Two days stretched, each moment, a chance.

I’d flirt with you, oh, how you’d laugh,
Your smile, a melody, my heart’s staff,
In your eyes, I found my epitaph,
A love so pure, it’s beyond any graph.

Your jhumkas, a treasure to behold,
Each pair a story, a tale untold,
Their chiming, a melody, bold and cold,
In their sway, my heart, it found its fold.

You knew my favorites, my every whim,
The kurti I adored, the jhumka’s hymn,
In your presence, my world would brim,
With joy and love, to the very rim.

But now we’re apart, lost in the fray,
I pray each night, for a brighter day,
To bring you back, to light my way,
For in your love, I long to stay.

You’re my happiness, my guiding light,
My home where peace takes flight,
Every day, every night,
I yearn for you, with all my might.

I hold onto hope, in every way,
That one day soon, come what may,
You’ll be mine, forever to stay,
In each other’s arms, we’ll find our way.

Until then, my love, I’ll miss you so,
Every moment, every second, I’ll show,
That you’re the one, I want to know,
In your love, my heart will glow.

Hello, dear readers!

I’m thrilled to welcome you to my corner of the digital world. Here, amidst the bustling chaos of the internet, I invite you to join me on a journey of exploration, reflection, and shared experiences.

As a writer, I believe in the power of words to connect souls, bridge gaps, and inspire change. Through my articles, essays, and musings, I aim to spark conversations, evoke emotions, and perhaps even provoke a bit of introspection.

But this journey isn’t just about me — it’s about us. It’s about the stories we share, the lessons we learn, and the connections we forge along the way. So, whether you stumble upon my words by chance or seek them out intentionally, know that you’re always welcome here.

Let’s embark on this adventure together, shall we?

Connect with Me:

📧 Email: debeshp6@gmail.com | 🌐 Blog: debeshpaul.medium.com

Feel free to reach out, share your thoughts, or just say hello. I’m excited to connect with each and every one of you!

Warm regards,




Debesh Paul

Tech enthusiast by day, content curator in between, and a poet under the moonlight. Join me in exploring the diverse facets of words.